Saturday, June 28, 2008

We are blessed but do not even realize it !!!!

I know there are days that we think we have it bad or are going through alot but we forget that there is someone out there going through worse. I have been working at school over the summer for a month now. My job entails me to sit at a desk at all times and i am not supposed to leave it until my shift is over. Although, today i broke that rule because of this blind lady who was struggling very hard to get into the building. I could not just sit there i had to get up and direct her to the laundry room where her clothes were. She was so pleasant and beautiful. She was very grateful and she asked me for my name and where i was from. Apparently, her best friend is also Nigerian and is from Lagos... I couldn't help asking her for her name and her number and after she left she got me thinking for a while if not for the whole time.....

How could such a wonderful person be blind? Why am i not blind? These are questions that God alone can answer but i know that so many of us are blessed but we do not even realize it...We always remember what is wrong and forget the good things in our lives.. Our minds are so occupied with what we do not have that we forget the many things that God has done for us. I have been having a pretty long week so somehow i believe that God wanted me to meet this wonderful person so every time i start feeling down i can remember that i am really blessed....
Love always,
Daddy's Little Girl....xoxo

Monday, June 2, 2008

My slacking days are over!! I think...

I know I have not blogged for over 2 months and as much as I would like to say I was very busy somehow I know I could have made time for it if I wanted to. Don't get me wrong you guys matter to me a great deal but I guess I had some serious sorting out to do. I am sorry it's taken me this long to update my blog but now things are going to be different because I am on vacation and although I have a job with lots of hours I am jobless So you are going to be seeing more of me now than ever before.

Love always,
Daddy's little girl....xoxo